Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Wednesday 24th July- The run and college

When I woke up, myself, Dec and Samir decided to go for an early pre breakfast run. We jogged out of the lodge and headed left at the end of the road, intending to run to a local football pitch and back. On the way back from the pitch, we somehow managed to miss the road to the lodge. We ended up at a crossroads, completely disorientated and confused. A local woman walked past and Samir decided to ask for directions. Because our Wachiga was so bad, and her English was so poor, Samir resorted to a game of sherades with the woman. Eventually the woman seemed to understand what we were asking and said that we had missed the lodge by 2 miles. On our way back to the lodge we got picked up a VU (volunteer Uganda) van on their way back from picking up supplies. Once back at the lodge everyone seemed to find our ‘adventure’ very funny, so we all had an embarrassing hour or so of being laughed at.

After breakfast we started our LRTT training with Frank (one of the Ugandan staff at the lodge). This just consisted of learning how to deal with misbehaving children, and how to communicate with the teachers. What is expected of us, and what the average day plan at school is.

College Library
After the lesson and lunch we were taken to a local college to look around. The college was at the time empty of students due to the holidays. We were able to look around the classrooms/seminar rooms and libraries. The library in particular was extremely limited, with books that looked at least 3rd hand and were very out of date. The dorms of the students were very small but packed full of beds, at points, 4 beds on top of each other. We also found out at the college that only 100,000 people graduate a year in Uganda.

Once we got back to the lodge we chilled out, had dinner and went to bed.
College grounds

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