Thursday, 12 September 2013

Tuesday 13th August- Revision

We woke up knowing that Kelly had already left the lodge a few hours earlier at 5am for a 10 hour journey to Kampala. As I woke up I was wondering my head felt so cold, before I remembered having my hair shaved off.

I left for school with a hat on, as I wanted to surprise the staff and pupils. The classes were all in exams so I showed the staff first who were very amused and pleased by my new ‘Ugandan’ haircut. At break when all the children were outside for their porridge, I went out and found my class and showed them my haircut. The kids went nuts for my head, and soon almost every pupil at the school was hanging around staring at my head and trying to feel it.

After revision
After break, I, Kya, Katie and Siobhan marked some exam papers. It was incredibly frustrating seeing the simple mistakes that a lot of the kids made. Such as writing the answer to a question under the wrong question, clearly not reading what the question was asking and simple spelling mistakes. It was also clear when marking the exams that some kids have clear learning difficulties which Uganda still does not recognize, and as a result these kids often fail the year and have to retake, I currently have a 13 year old and several 12 year olds in a class which should really be for 9/10 year olds.

After lunch, me and Siobhan went to help my P4 class to revise. I did some English examples on the board for them for 20 minutes before they asked for help in social studies, which neither of us teach, or know how to teach. As a result we looked through their exercise books and Siobhan began testing and teaching the class while I sat with the kids and watched. After half an hour we began playing some games, and I started trying to get the kids around me to misbehave to wind up teacher Siobhan. All the kids kept putting my hat on and feeling my head, as well as continuously asking for photos. During this time there was an almighty thunder storm going on which made the whole class extremely excitable and meant there was yelling continuously by both the kids and us. I have never in my life heard thunder like I did during that lesson; it was extraordinarily loud and went on for so long each time it happened. It was also extremely close by because almost as instantly as the room lit up from the lightening the classroom was being rocked by deafening thunder.

Once back at the lodge we were put into our groups for summer school and put to brainstorming what the theme of summer school will be. The theme that was chosen by the lodge was the ‘future’. So this means that our groups have to plan our lessons around the theme of future. I’m in P4B group doing English with Emily and Caz. After all this was sorted out we had dinner of mash, spaghetti and aubergine sauce. Finally before bed, myself, Sam and TLT (Team Leader Tom) stayed up and watched ‘The Usual Suspects’, which I can’t believe I hadn't seen before due to how good a film it is.

My class

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