Sunday, 15 September 2013

Tuesday 20th August- Summer school and a walk with Ramsen

Our first lesson today began pretty poorly as we didn't have any A3 paper which we really needed for the lesson. Our topic was the ‘Perfect home’, so the class could provide some ideas for what they wanted their perfect home to consist of, the only issue is that the children aren't very imaginative; ‘fertile soil’, ‘no pests in the house’ being examples. However for the second half of the lesson the children were put outside in their groups where they started drawing and designing their ‘perfect home’ which was really good.

Kit teaching.
After the lesson, appropriately was brick making. Martin, one of my favourite kids helped me to make a brick which we wrote our initials in. Making bricks was a lot messier than I thought it would be and I ended up with clay all over my arms, but it was really fun.

The lesson after brick making was maths which was led by Melissa (northern Mel), her lesson was on space rockets and how to construct them from shapes. I sat in on the lesson helping out whenever needed but mainly spending the time sat at one of the benches with some of the class working in groups. The group I was with (Maxim, James, Ronald, Alvera) made a rocket called ‘shooting star’.

After lunch I went to P4a’s lesson instead of P4b as I wasn’t needed in the science lesson. Mel, Charlie and Emily were doing P4a’s lesson which was on our ‘Pulses’. This entailed us having to count our pulse for a minute and then going outside and doing games and exercises to see how our pulse changed.

The final lesson was ‘tutor group’ which is basically like Circle time for our classes. During this we continued designing our rockets, which basically consisted of kids going mental with glue and glitter and involved my face getting covered in glitter. The last half of the lesson we played football and netball until the day finished.

The view from the village

When we got back to the lodge, Dec and I left straight away to go on a walk exploring areas that we hadn't been to yet. We walked in the direction that we went when we got lost on our run and when we saw a turn off we decided to follow it. After turning down the corner we bumped into Ramsen (a local lad who we play football with regularly) who said that he lives up the road and would show us the village. On the way up the road we came across a huge ant nest that was spread across the path which we looked at for a while but myself and Dec got bit a lot as it turned out the ants were dangerous red ants. We continued up the road and into a small town where we eventually got to Ramsen’s house, at his house we met his family and village elders who were gathered together to sort out the budget of the village. We took some photos which the villagers were ecstatic at seeing and found absolutely hilarious. The elderly woman kept hitting and pulling the children out of the way so that she could look at the photos. After 10 minutes Ramsen said he knew another way to the lodge instead of the way that we’d came, so he led us through the rest of the village and through another village where his sister lived with his aunt before leading us though some woods and land after which we arrived at the top of the hill overlooking the lodge, from there we walked down to the lodge.

We arrived at the lodge just in time to write on Katherine’s 21st birthday card and for dinner. Afterwards, there was birthday cake and some drinking and celebrating for her birthday before we all went to bed.

Ramsen and Dec
The village

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